Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Generation 1: Aftermath - Part Two

After having a CC apocalypse of my own, I, VLAD, have returned to you all with the next thrilling installment of Apocalypse Mao! Vlad!

When we last left our sim survivors, Kyung-Soon had just become an elder, I had stopped the challenge partway, and my not-so-loyal readership was more than willing for me to pass the torch back over. I don't think that I need to remind you all of THIS!

That's right. I have the cats hostage. If you ever want to see Gandalf (the Grey) and Artanis again, you will read my post, enjoy it, pay me tribute in small unmarked bills, and bear with me for one more update. If you're strapped for cash, I understand...but at least do the part involving the bearing with me.

Now, back to Apocalypse Vlad!

Eris grew up nicely as a pleasure sim, and picked up the LTW to become a Professional Party Guest. Something just tells me that she is BEGGING to be the heir from this generation. A bit of education would be nice for her, but of course, due to restrictions, teens are unable to go to school. No Mao...this can only mean one thing! Free labor!

Building some skills before adulthood would be nice, but aside from what few she picked up as a toddler, she is restricted from skilling on any items unless they also give her fun. Unfortunately for her, cooking and cleaning don't count as using objects to build skills, so she got to spend her teenage years preparing all of the meals and cleaning everything in the house. Sorry Eris, but with that F you're getting in school, u dont read skill books 2 good. Your spaghetti however, is superb.

See! Doesn't she look happy to be doing my bidding and working as free labor in the house! I'm such a generous master, don't you think? In the background, you can see Stephan studying up on his cleaning skill since it was one of only two skills preventing him from getting the Maximize 7 Skills LTW. Phoebe however, just wouldn't leave him in peace.

Phoebe, I understand your excitement at getting that A+ in school and all...but just wait. See your sister? You're next...mwahahahaha...ha...ha.

After getting Phoebe to leave him alone for two minutes, Stephan maximized his cleaning skill, and went straight to doing yoga to work on his body skill.

Once again however...Phoebe had to have the last word. If daddy can do funny handstands, so can she!

Eris was clearly more impressed by what I will refer to as the one-handed anti-flamingo handstand of DOOM! (doom?) Yes, DOOM!

After refilling a few needs that had gotten a little low, Stephan resumed his yoga training in the upstairs of the house shack.

Stephan of couse, while in the midst of the Inverted Fetal Donkey Pushup of DOOM, maxed his body skill and became the first post-apocalyptic sim to achieve his LTW, while onlookers...well, looked on at other onlookers.

In celebration of his achievement, Stephan oddly enough, went outside to build a snowman. Unfortunately, this would be the last real fun he had as an adult, because it wasn't too long thereafter that he followed Kyung-Soon into senility in becoming an elder.

Isn't that a nice family photo? Kyung-Soon is in bed already (with no Wheel of Fortune on TV, she had nothing to stay up for), Stephan is facing his own mortality (and receding hairline) with a stern look, the girls are probably trying to discuss who is prettier, and the penguin is...

...wait, the penguin?

As the last picture was being taken, there were strange sounds coming from outside of the shack. A penguin (in my mind, I like to think of it as a Zombie Penguin) had stumbled across the partially constructed snowman and started up a fascinating discussion involving a parabolic graph centered about the x-axis on a 2D plane. Zombo the are now one of the coolest little zombie animals ever in my book (take THAT Zombie Lassie!)

Zombo left soon thereafter, and the next day and night passed without incident. The next evening however, it was Phoebe's turn to become Vlad's slave free labor.

As you can see, Phoebe inherited her mother's looks almost to the point...of being...a clone. Ladies and gentlemen, this is exactly why we don't sleep under power lines, eat lead paint chips, or sleep in a shack surrounded by nuclear fallout in a post-apocalyptic wasteland of ridiculous proportions. Any combination of the above may result in genetic anomalies including cloned freaks of nature...wait no, I had it right the first time...cloned freaks of nature.

I hear a noise! What's this? Let's check in with the PenguinCast and see what startling revelation he has for us today!

...this little guy disturbs me more and more with each visit he makes. I don't see a mushroom cloud, but I'm pretty sure he is trying to talk to the snowman about a nuclear blast that killed hundreds...if not dozens of ugly unplayed townies, and turned the landscape into a frozen wasteland.

On the inside of the shack, a fire broke loose in the oven, causing flames to leap into the air while Kyung-Soon had a heart palpitation, and Stephan nearly wet himself. Thankfully, Phoebe came to the rescue and in this awesome action shot, and checked herself out in the mirror while battling the flames ever so valiantly.

What Phoebe somehow failed to mention was that the oven burst into flames because she decided to go to the restroom while cooking dinner for herself. That will teach you to be selfish! Thanks to you, Phoebe, you just shaved years off of your mother's life, and probably somehow managed to make her arthritis worse, too!'

All of these fires and such sure drop the needs of people in the house pretty quick, and it wasn't long until everyone was fighting over the one bathroom in the home. At some point, a very stinky Kyung-Soon managed to change into her normal outfit, and meet Stephan in the bathroom either to serenade him, or complain that she had just fallen and broken her hip. Again.

Meanwhile, Phoebe ether checked her freakish cloned self out in the mirror, and realized what an abomination she was, or felt guilt about nearly burning her elderly parents alive, instead of fixing a tasty and delicious hamburger for herself.

The family went to bed that night, relieved that they had all survived their encounter with the stove/inferno, and awoke the next morning to...hey, this isn't right.

I don't care how many ads I've seen for prescription medication on TV...elders may wake up at 6 am regardless of if the Today show is on or not, but they most certainly do NOT turn on the boombox, wake their youngest daughter, and go straight to playing kicky bag. Maybe this is one last hurrah from Kyung-Soon.

By the end of the day, there was another transition to celebrate.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Skanky Cowgirl Eris. With her all grown up, it was decided to select her as the next heir (as opposed to the fortune loving genetic freak across the room), and that marked the end of my round. I'd tell y'all to come on back fer my next update, but...

BACK TO THE PENGUINCAST! Zombo! Your reaction, please!



Zombo. I'm only going to say this once. I don't care if she's an adult or not, I still say she's too young for that.

It was great writing for you all, and I'll be back around after the next generation had ended (whether you like it or not) !



Bubbs said...

Great update Vlad!!!

Skanky Cowgirl Eris - ROFLMAO!!!

Mao said...

You had me laughing out loud in the college library.


Unknown said...

Zombo, you kinky little penguin you /grin

Great update VB, look forward to the next fun packed episode!

EO said...

Very funny! LOVE Zombo the Penguin! And Elders playing Kicky Bag? You're right. What's up with that??

Oydie said...

But just think of the genetic possibilities! Skanky Cowgirl Eris and Zombo. Think of the children!

Vlad said...

I'm thrilled to see that everyone is enjoying the update (even after I attempted to extort you of untraceable cash and respect by using the cats as leverage) I really, really don't want to picture those children though.

tktrn99 said...

Great update!! My, Zombo has become a regular at the house! LOL! He's a twisted little thing! Whoa, Pheobe...not cool with the fire. How dare you take the time to pee?! Skanky-cowgirl the next heiress? This will be fun to watch...

Lisa said...

Phoebe may be a freak, but so is Zombo.

This was awesomely hilarious, Vlad.

MysticSpirit said...

Vlad, you ROCK!! Loved the bit with Zombo and the Snowman. Hey ... doesn't that sound like some weird movie title ... or a children's book ... or something?? *LOL*

Cloned freakish ... HA!!! Poor kid. Man. That's one of the restrictions?! Teens can't go to school. OUCHIE! That must suck the big snowcone!

I enjoyed the update very much. Thanks!