Saturday, May 26, 2007

Generation 2: Kyung-Soon's Revenge - Part One

((Cue Dramatic Music))
Stephan: '...And again, I am here, at this computer... logging my experiences after the nuclear fallout. Ash falls from the sky like snow, piling up and impeding those who would dare travel outside. I have grown old now, my bones too weak to fight off the plagued hordes. I am confined to this shack, this one place of safety. But I could not have known, I could not have forseen what the coming years would bring...'
((Music ends abruptly))

Stephan, what the hell are you going on about? I'm the narrator here. And why are you writing a novel? That's in direct violation of the Service Pet restriction, which we did not lift! You're supposed to be rendered ISBI-like, meaning you get in the way and generally make me wish you'd die faster.

Stephan: 'I was just trying to spice things up! What better to do so than an old man's memoirs?'

The only memoirs you're going to have is of my foot up your butt if you don't butt out and let me do my thing! Sheesh, sims. Post-apocalyptic and think I owe them something! Anyway, forget what Stephan said. We've got a long way to go before that...

Anyway, when I last played, Kyung-Soon was a fresh Adult in front of a barren wasteland. She's been through some trials and tribulations with VB, but now she's back with me! Hey, Kyung-Soon... so what do you think of Nuclear Fallouts now? Heh, heh...

Kyung-Soon: 'I hope that rabid zombies come along and eat your innards!'

Such hostility for an old lady! At least you didn't grow up in some ugly sweat suit or anything. Besides, you're ISBI now. Enjoy it. Eris is my victim of choice this time...

Kyung-Soon: 'It is not over, evil controller! For when you least expect it, I will have my revenge!'

Blah, blah, blah... are you done yet? Good. Moving on...

VB never bothered getting Eris (who will break Slacker restriction) a beau, so it was up to me to do all the hard stuff! I was at a loss until I realized... with Culinary unlocked, we can force Pizza Delivery folks to drive through the zombie hordes! Enter Gavin, uh... crap. I can't remember his last name. Either way, many deliveries later, they were best buddies.

Eris: 'Because nothing says 'Post-Apocalyptic' like Pizza Delivery love!'

Indeed, Eris. Indeed.

Eris: 'Displaying personal moments for other people's amusement is totally not cool.'

Sure it is! Quit your whining. It is my job to chronicle your life, and chronicle I shall! Anyway, best buddies leads to first kisses which lead to...

...Marriage! Hooray. Kyung-Soon hangs out in the background, probably plotting her 'so-called' revenge. Pfft. I'm not afraid of some sour old biddy. Anyway, welcome to the house, Gavin!

Gavin: 'Uhh... thanks, I think.'

No, thank YOU for having such a plethora of skills! Romance sim or not, you rock. Hope you like Law Enforcement.

So much for that revenge, Kyung-Soon! Your time is UP! See ya on the otherside, heh.

Kyung-Soon: 'Laugh all you like! This is only the beginning. It is not over! I will have my REVENGE!'

Blah, blah, blah... less talky, more dying. Take her away, Grimmy Old Boy!

If Kyung-Soon's 'big revenge' was infesting the house with cockroaches, she succeeded. Darn things! Leave it to them to be the only thing aside from sparse humans and zombies to survive a Nuclear Fallout. Bah. At least Phoebe is responsible enough to try and clean up the mess. Her lazy sister is too busy building snowmen!

Phoebe: 'Yuck. This is disgusting! How are we supposed to live like this?'

Blame your mother. Or the zombie that kicked over the trash bin. One or the other!

Zombo returns! It seems he's discussing something a little more appropriate with one of the snowman sentries this time. It is probably because I am here playing and not VB. You can't fool me, Zombo. I am totally on to your evil zombie penguin ways!

Um, speaking of zombies... Phoebe, you're starting to look a little 'zombified' yourself. Are you feeling okay? Did one of them bite you? Do I have to go grab the boomstick?

Phoebe: 'I'm not a zombie, you idiot! I'm freezing. You've had me out here socializing with zombies all MORNING!'

Oh, right. Well, your sister needs 13 friends to reach ToC of Slacker! It is the least you can do, as a useless spare and all.

Phoebe: 'I should be going to SCHOOL... you know, like NORMAL teenagers. Not talking to creepy old zombies!'

Complain, complain! Man, that's all you guys ever do...

Ack! Zombie! There's a zombie in the house! Why aren't you two panicking? Can't you see the zombie right in front of your eyes? Don't let the camo pants fool you, she's there!

Eris: '...She's one of the zombie friends you've had Phoebe make. You made them come inside, remember?'

Oh, right... so I did. Nevermind, then... carry on...

Unfortunately, Post-Apocalyptic situations leave sims in mental distress. There are many ways to cope with this. It seems that our Heiress Eris has decided food is her comfort. She's certainly not pregnant.

Eris: 'Shut up! It's hardly noticeable.'

Sure, maybe if you're looking from a different solar system! You're huuuge!

Eris: '...Sniff. I knew I shouldn't have indulged in that last plate of pancakes!'

Meanwhile, other sims just plain lose there minds. Like Phoebe here. Freshly turned adult and she's panhandling for simoleons... from the mailbox. What the hell?

Phoebe: 'Oh pious mailbox! Please, have mercy on me. Just one simoleon... okay, just half of one. One fourth? Come on here. Give me a break! I need simoleons... NEED!'

Phoebe, sweetie, this isn't the Heiress of Strangetown. That is a completely harmless mailbox that does nothing but eat bills and get in the way of carpools. I think you need to go inside and lie down for a bit...

Phoebe: '((whispering)) Don't listen to her, mailbox... she's crazy.'

Right. I'm the crazy one. Okay.

Phoebe: 'Ahhh! Mother!'

Gavin: 'Whoa! Who was that scary old lady?'

That would be your former mother-in-law, Kyung-Soon. Pfft! A few little scares is hardly revenge. I'm not impressed.

Uh, Gavin... we need to have a talk. You're glaring at Phoebe, you have negative chemistry, and you guys are barely even friends. So explain to me why exactly you want to not only flirt with her, but also kiss her?

Gavin: 'Have you seen Eris lately? Her butt is huuuge! Phoebe is a little crazy, sure, but she's quite pretty!'

Yes, I will agree (as I wanted her to be heir ;p), but nevertheless... love, honor, obey! Romance sim or not! How can you be so shallow?

Gavin: 'Don't get all high and mighty with me, lady! My turn-off says I don't like 'em big and therefore, I don't like 'em big. That's how it goes!'

Siiigh... well, keep dreamin', cause it isn't happening. Poor Eris!

Aww, how sweet. Phoebe invited her aging father, Stephan, to build a snowman with her! It is one of the greatest sources of fun in Post-Apocalyptic times. Nothing says 'good family fun' like nuclear ash!

Stephan: 'Actually, we're building snow sentries. To keep the zombies at bay.'

Is that so? Well, we'll see how well it works... they sure don't keep the zombie penguin away!

Wow, Eris... how did you manage to get pregnant? Last time I spoke with Gavin, he wasn't exactly happy with your, er, 'growth'.

Eris: 'Haven't you ever heard that you shouldn't provoke a hungry and very pregnant woman?'

Sorry. But seriously... how'd you do it?

Eris: 'Well, it took him a bit to realize that certain... 'other' things were bigger!'

Oooh, gotcha. He's a boob man. Right on.

Uuhh, Eris! You might want to stop sighing over that damn lobster and concern yourself with the RAGING INFERNO it caused!

Eris: 'B-but... my lobster!'

Move, move, move!!

Ack! Gavin, why did you stop? Put that fire out--NOW!

Gavin: 'Aghh! It's that old woman--she just jumped out of the fire!'

What?! Kyung-Soon! You old wretch!! Argh! Forget about her and squelch that flame! What kind of protector of the innocent are you, anyway?!

Gavin: 'A very jumpy one!'

Thankfully, everyone survived the fire... but hey, wait a minute. You... what do you think you're doing?

Zombie Burglar: 'I'm about to make off with all your valuables! Mwehehehe!'

...What the hell? It's an Apocalypse! You shouldn't exist... there's no one around for MILES! Where did you come from!? We've been paying the Zombie Crime Syndicate!

Zombie Burglar: 'Mwehehehe... we burglars are everywhere! And part of the Zombie Crime Syndicate, as well. They demand more!'

You, sir, are an asshat. An asshat of epic proportions. In fact, there is none in all the land that can possibly compare to the sheer magnitude of asshattery that you contain!

Zombie Burglar: 'Oh boo-hoo-hoo! I'm heartbroken. Now excuse me while I show my grief by taking your crib, easel, bookshelf, chairs, and changing table! Mwehehehe!'

ARGH! HATE!!! Couldn't you have at least waited until Eris was done giving birth?!

Despite having some of their 'valuables' taken, Eris gives birth to two healthy baby boys. That's right, twins. At present baby state, they look exactly alike. So you only get to see one. While VB's naming theme is Greek Mythology figures (I think it is Greek, at least), I will be using Actor's. I named the twins Julian (after Julian McMahon) and Jake (after Jake Gyllenhaal).

With not much to do while the babies sleep, the defacto nanny, Phoebe... shakes her groove thing. Gavin is with her in the back. Smustling is actually a really good way to raise fun. Phoebe also really, really enjoys it.

Phoebe: 'Hoo-yeah! Shake it like a Polaroid picture!'

Poor girl... in post-apocalyptic times, there's nothing on the radio except techno. Darn zombies and their zombie raves!

Thanks to the joint effort of all sims in the house--yes, even Stephan the listless was helpful--the twins became toddlers. Julian looks like Eris while Jake looks like his grandma, Kyung-Soon. Fitting, because Kyung-Soon and Gavin have essentially the same face templates (made by me!).

They grew up in exactly the same outfits, though. The black and green striped jumper. It is very hard to tell them apart via just the little thumbnail and portrait picture. I think this might be Julian in the picture.

Meanwhile, their mother is losing her mind. Not you, too, Eris...

Eris: 'Woowoo! Zombie raves are awesome!'

Poor Pleasure sim, always in the red! You're not at a rave, Eris. You're at home. And the twins need you.

Eris: 'Paaartttaaaaay!'

Siiigh... Eris! Your needs are awful. You need to do something other than pretend you're at a zombie rave!

Gavin: 'Don't bother. She's been like that since she got home from work.'

Phoebe: 'I'll go take care of the twins. I don't want the evil mailbox to get them!'

And then, it happened. Kyung-Soon was out scaring... and she scared Eris way, way too much. So much so that... Eris' portrait disappeared from the family sidebar.

Eris: 'I... I don't... feel so well!'

No, no! Eris! Hang in there! You were headed to the fridge... you were so close...

Eris: 'I... don't have a pulse...'

Nooooo! We were so close! One more day of work and we would have broken the restriction! You can't do this to me! Why?!

Eris: 'I... think... I'm dead.'

Noooo! Eris!! Grimmy, you can't take her! She still has to break the restriction! One more day... damn it! Useless sims!

Gavin: 'Hey, it isn't our fault you didn't break the Paranormal restriction...'

Phoebe: 'Yeah, really. Don't blame us! This is all YOUR fault!'

Stephan: 'Oh! What a cruel and merciless world in which we live! Where life can be so easily snuffed out--'

Not NOW Stephan!!

Crap, crap, crap... what am I going to do?!

Kyung-Soon: 'I told you I would have my revenge!'

Kyung-Soon? What? But you're dead! You can't talk! And you would kill your own daughter?!

Kyung-Soon: 'I am in your head... forever! It was a necessary loss.'

You are a sick and very sad old biddy ghost, Kyung-Soon!

Kyung-Soon: 'Perhaps... but now I have had my revenge! Now what will you do?'

You can't rid of me that easily! It is on like Donkey Kong now, sucka. I WILL continue this challenge... just you wait and see...

Gavin: 'Uh, who are you talking to?'

Er, no one. I wasn't talking to anyone.

Stephan: '...'Tis a sad day when the one in control falls privvy to the madness surrounding--'

Oh for GOODNESS SAKE! All of you, shut up! I need to think. Geeze!! Well... that's it for part I guys. As for Part II? I'm not going down without a fight!


tktrn99 said...

Has the controller fallen victim to all the madness too? Hehe!! Man, Kyung-Soon certainly did get her revenge! Cruel! I guess that leaves Gavin, aka Boob Man, to raise the next heir. Will you have him switch careers or keep with law enforcement! Can't wait till part 2 - put your boxing gloves on! :)

Unknown said...

LOL what a mess the whole family is. Can't wait to see how you recover from Kyung-Soon's revenge!

Lisa said...

Oh man! That old biddy. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Vlad said...

...let us not forget that I have the next round, and should 'Jake' and 'Julian' have a, shall we say, "unfortunate accident", the party playing the challenge round (namely, me) will not be held accountable.

*ahem* Now those were just random names, weren't they? ;)

MysticSpirit said...

The zombies have eaten the controller's brain. That's all there is to it. Where the hell was Gavin when all of this was going down? He should have been there to save his wife! WTF?!?! Gaving! You're absolutely USELESS!!! You PUNK!! GAH!

Anonymous said...

So once again the SGT comes late the dance. I just have to say Mao that you have this uncanny ability to make me want to try every challenge you blog, lol. I loathed the idea of the Apocolypse challenge prior to this but now I want to give it a try! These guys are a riot! Darn that Kyung-Soon! So close, yet so far away.