Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Generation 4: Surviving an Apocalypse 101 - Part Two

And we're back with Helen and Ajax at the family abode. Uh, and the ponytail guy. His name is Sinjin, I've realized. Well, I still prefer Ponytail. Anyway, the house is pretty crowded and the ghosts are back in full-force, plus there's five cats yeowling for attention. Ahhh... it is good to be back!

Helen: 'Like, show some respect or something. Can't you see we're totally busy?'

Of course, as I said before, the ghosts are out in their scaring best. Kyung-Soon is always the star scarer. Woe be to anyone who steps up to the second floor...

Kyung-Soon: 'I'll teach you to smash my urn!'

Unfortunately, death comes. Thankfully, not for one of our current residents! He's come for Elrond, who is an old kitty. Bye, Elrond! Now you've freed up a slot for new kittens!

Death was just taunting me, it seems. As is her way, Kyung-Soon scared poor Dagmar as she was fleeing to the downstairs. Right at the edge of the steps, too! Poor Dagmar.

Dagmar: 'Why did I ever agree to move in here?!'

Dagmar: 'Oh... Not feeling so well...'

Oh, no... not again. Kyung-Soon seems to have scared poor Dagmar to death. Isn't this like victim number 3 now?

Dagmar: '...The light! I see the light!'

Bye-bye, Dagmar...

Of course, it wasn't all bad! Dagmar's death made room for good old Sinjin to move in. Since he was a Dormie, he had to move in and graduate before gettin' hitched. They had a uh, impromptu ceremony on the porch.

Sinjin: 'I really don't think you're supposed to put the ring over my glove, dear.'

Helen: 'Oh, teehee! Don't be silly. I like, know exactly what I am doing, Sinny!'

Match made in Heaven, obviously!

Ajax was nice enough to break the first restriction for this generation--Hooray for Adventurer! Now we can use Career Rewards... which will help out Helen with Paranormal, as she needs to maximize two skills yet. Sinjin came with very sad skills, so he'll need to pump it up to make it through Athletics!

Ajax: 'Can I take a break now? All that endless skilling and scaring by ghosts... has made me really... tired...'

Sure, sure! Just don't die on me like your mother did.

When the ghosts are out in full force (around 4 ghosts at once), they normally haunt both the 1st and 2nd floors. So I have everyone run upstairs to the 3rd floor and I lock the door. There are no beds or food or anything up there... but there's also NO ghosts. Here you can see them all after being holed up a few hours...

Amidst all the ghosts, we had a new member of the family arrive! A kitty! I named her Nienna. You can finally also see Eowyn and Aragorn in the background. The kitty is the product of Eowyn and Bombadil.

I just wanted a picture of Ajax in his space pirate suit, hehe! This is my first time getting it. Very hilarious!!

Ajax: 'It itches...'

And Helen was nice enough to break the second restriction for this update--Paranormal! That means I can FINALLY move all these annoying ghosts and force them to haunt elsewhere. I've built them a big old mausoleum in the backyard. Kyung-Soon still likes harassing the 2nd floor, though.

Uh, Helen... isn't it a bit chilly out for a tube top?

Helen: 'Like, no way! Fashion before anything else. No wonder you are such a total fashion disaster!'

And no wonder you are always freezing...

Looks like I am doing better with chance cards this time around--woohoo!

...or not...

Helen decides to fix something only to realize that requires an actual working thought process. Poor Helen!

Helen: 'Like! It burns! And not in the good way!'

Nienna grows up--she looks a lot like Bombadil, but she's got her mother's eyes. Very cool. I love cats! The cats are on the same generation as the family now, generation four.

Helen has her first baby bump! Here's hoping she has enough mind in her to stay alive...

Helen: 'Like, wow! Chinese food is fattening!'

((facepalm)) You're pregnant, idiot!

All right, Sinjin! You're the only one left to lift a restriction... better get moving, I wanna change this house. It's driving me nuts!

Sinjin: 'So pushy... I am doing my best!'

Well do your best-er!

Awww, babytime! Here we have Mandy--she's got the Dual skintone and eyes, yay! She also has blonde hair.

Helen: 'Like, can I put it down now? I don't want it to barf all over me.'

Oh, Helen. You're going to make a fantastic mother. /end sarcasm

Well, that's all she wrote for this time around. Next time we'll hopefully have the Athletic restriction burninated and another little mite running around!

  • Adventurer Restriction Lifted
  • Paranormal Restriction Lifted
  • All Pet Restrictions Suppressed


Lisa said...

Very cool! It's really too bad that Kung-Soo is still on the rampage, though.

tktrn99 said...

Good update!! Hehe...do your best-er! LOL!!! Welcome Mandy! Hope Helen can maybe take some parenting classes!! Good job!

MysticSpirit said...

Woohoo! Let's hear it for the lifting of restrictions! Let's hear it I said!! *hears it* ;O)) I bet you'll be so happy to lift the last one so you can change the house. I'm so ready to see those wood slatted walls GONE!!

Hopefully Mandy will be smarter than her air-head mother. HA!

Anonymous said...

All right! Lots of restriction lifting!!! I love how clueless Helen is! And Kyung-Soon is ruthless! Wow, she keeps killing everyone! I can't say I blame you for locking everyone on the third floor to get away from her!

Unknown said...

Yay for Mandy! You know anyone with a name like that is destined for beauty and greatness! Hehehe.